I know is the norm for design blogs to be head over heels over the interiors of Nancy Meyer's movies. I understand the craze since I will gladly include myself in this category. My first love affair with a Nancy Meyer's movie started with Father of the bride part 1 & 2. It continued with the Parent Trap, and recently was revived by Diane Keaton's home in Something is Gotta Give! I can honestly confess that I have watched the movie over 100 times just to study the interiors! I know you won't judge me for being such a dork! This home was followed by Cameron Diaz's home in The Holiday along with the rest of the interiors in the movie. This is when I recognized that Nancy Meyer's tells her stories through the interiors in her movies. I feel like these interiors are the main stars of her films and partly why most of us drag our boyfriends, husbands or girlfriends to the movies. Her latest film features this Beauty as Meryl
Streep's home in It's complicated. I must confess, I have not had the chance to take time off to go watch the movie but the interior images have me drooling over the home. This Sunday will the day when I get to drag Bobby to the movies and experience another of Nancy's incredible interiors. Quite frankly out all of the interiors in her movies, I feel like this is the one that's most accessible. I know we don't all live in a beautiful, sprawling Spanish Mediterranean home in Santa Barbara worth millions however the fact that this home is not a mansion is a start.
Enjoy the rest of the tour!

The Perfect nook to read a great book with the view of the garden!
View of the living room from the dining room. You can appreciate the Spanish architecture and their philosophy in open spaces which we seem to appreciate more and more these days.
The Hallway, I'm so jealous of all of the natural light. Oh, and let's not forget the light fixture!
All I can think about is the black claw foot tub! Now, I'm dying for one! Aren't you?
The perfect Guest Bedroom! I'm loving the blue and orange color combo.
As you can see Nancy really went while with orange! I love, love orange so I could easily make this room my bedroom.

And now.... for the real star of this house. The picture perfect living room! I love everything about it, from the wood bean ceilings, to the wood burning fireplace, to the four different accent chairs including our all time favorite shape, as well as Nancy's, the wing back. As you can see more orange accents can be appreciated in this room than anywhere else in this living room. I hope you all enjoyed your one zillion tour of the house and I'm sorry if I bored you but I couldn't help myself. I'm off to day dreaming about hopefully sooner than later building the home of my dreams, and believe me, it won't be far from this one. How about you? Do you have a favorite interior of a Nancy Meyer movie? I know what you are going to say! The home from Something is Gotta Give, and guess what? I don't blame you. I'm sure the home in her next movie won't disappoint.