Monday, August 24, 2009

Feeling Light!

Today, I'm feeling as light and airy as this hallway. There is something about this image that speaks to me. It could be the gallery walls , the moroccan arches or the natural lighting. It could be that it reminds me, of my Spaniard grandmother's house. She had a similar hallway, full of pictures of our family. I spent many summers, obsessing over all of the intricate details in many of the photographs, most of them were taken in the 1800's.

I miss her and her home, she thought me to follow my heart and to celebrate my femininity. After having quit my job, I feel as light and airy as this hallway. Today, I'm celebrating my freedom and my new outlook in life.

I would like to thank all of you for your sweet words, and your support. I started this blog four months ago, and I know it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Go out there and be the best version of yourself, and always follow your heart!




And Kathleen said...

I love how reflective all the surfaces in this image are. Beautiful!

Design Esquire said...

Wow, this is beautiful! I'm glad you're following your heart. And selfishly, I'm very glad that you started a blog! I really enjoy reading it.

Kellie Collis said...

Inspirational picture. I love this.

Glad you are feeling so fabulous! x

alison giese Interiors said...

Beautiful image! I if weren't feeling light and free before, well I am now!
Good luck with your new endeavors!!

annechovie said...

Beautiful photo and post, Yansy! Congratulations on your new chapter in life - wishing you all the best! XO

Caitlin said...

love that hallway!

You always find the greatest inspiration images.