My sweet friend over at
Home two three duncan boys has awarded me with the Honest Scrap Award! This is my first award on blog land and I'm really enjoying it. I would like to say thank you, and I know is just a blog award but blogging is something I love doing. I've made friends that I deeply cherish and care for.
Here are the rules I must follow, upon receiving this award.
1.) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2.) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.
3.) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4.) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.
So now to me being 100% honest,
1) I love to eat standing up on my kitchen counter, call me crazy but i find it relaxing.
2) I have a terrible case of
OCD, specially with my home. I like for everything to have its place.
3) When I was little I was scare of chickens, this is a joke in my family until this day.
4) I'm terrified of frogs, iguanas, and lizards.
5)I love rainy days, specially when is cold outside.
6) I love going to the movies by myself, I know is a bit weird but I find it relaxing. Sort of like having a date with myself.
7) I'm not outdoorsy, I rather spend a day at the Mall than going camping, fishing, or rock climbing. I can't choose between the design center or the mall.
8) I'm an Aquarius and I have a pretty dark sense of humor. Also, I'm very independent and I hate asking people for help.
9) I have very little patience with people and technology.
10) I've only memorized to phone numbers, I rely on my blackberry for everything. Did I mentioned that I have two blackberries? Yes, I know is pathetic but one is business phone and the other one is my personal phone.
Now that I'm done airing my dirty laundry, I would like to present the Honest Scrap Award to the following blogs:
http://havenandhome.blogspot.com/http://chiccoles.blogspot.com/http://everythingleb.blogspot.com/http://high-heelfootinthedoor.blogspot.com/http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/I hope you're having a fabulous week!