Ikea free floating bathroom shelve $20
I have been wanting to do this for a while since we didn't have a place where we could have all of our perfume and cologne bottles easily accessible to us. I have decided that I will add a second shelve right underneath this one where I can store all of our towels and toiletries. I will post pics of that as soon as we get that project done and by we I mean the boyfriend who happens to be very handy with the drill. He'll be very happy that I just gave him some credit :)

Tea Roses from Whole Foods $12

I love tea roses in all sorts of colors. I try to keep fresh flowers in the house as much as possible. I normally buy them at Whole Foods since they have a great variety of flowers. For the last couple of weeks I had peonies so I opted for tea roses this week. By the way the small vases in the master bathroom sink and my night stand were originally candle containers. I usually do this if I like the shape of the container once I'm done using the candle. I have been doing it for years and is a great way to collect vases of different shapes for no cost.

Dining Room Table Centerpiece $6 for the Ikea plant and pot.

I rearranged the centerpiece in our dining room table with some milk glass from my collection, my prized foo dogs and an inexpensive plant from Ikea, which I am sad to report is already dying. I seriously think I am cursed when it comes to plants. How is it possible that I kill every living green thing that comes into our house, including succulents and a cactus. More on that later before I start to feel sorry for myself.

The first floor guest bathroom. Total makeover cost $15

I had another target print that I hung by the sink adding some much need pizazz to the lonely corner.

This frame above the toilet was an old white frame I had in the garage, which I decided to paint black. By hanging an inexpensive target print in the center of it I have created a focal point that's modern and chic.

First, I would like to apologize for the delay. I was planning on posting the pics of all the little projects that kept me busy over the weekend but like the ditz I am, I forgot to charge the battery for my camera beforehand. All these projects were very inexpensive and took very little time.